Visitors from beyond
40th Galactic Year. The Visitors.
Episode 1: Meteor Festival – 2
“Shut up! I know that!”
“If you know, then you must realize the impact on this star system would be catastrophic due to the lack of resources! A parallel world manifestation here…”
Amidst the exchange of words, Lite’s calm voice rose above the commotion. It was Shior, groaning from the back seat, who had just objected to the captain’s decision.
“Captain, we have Mother’s permission. The LEN drive for phase space is over 120.”
“Alright! Eft, do it!”
“But wait, I haven’t finished-“
“As soon as it hits 200, set it to activate! Lite, please check the systems.”
“Okay. 150, 160… Phase observation initiated. 180, 190, anchor set.”
“Shior! Wan! Make sure you’re strapped in tight!”
As Love spoke, the monitors around the ship flickered to life, revealing a field of countless meteors amidst bright streaks of light.
“Eft! Why did you turn on the monitors now of all times?!”
Lite reprimanded sharply. Eft replied,
“But this is the first time, right? Activating the LEN drive. I thought I should see it with my own eyes…”
Though just on the monitors, seeing it visually was quite different from just the numbers. Yet Eft was still deftly maneuvering the ship in all directions. Lite sighed deeply at her composure.
“Whoa! A meteor just hit the right wing!”
“Don’t say that so excitedly! The LEP that makes up this ship can’t be physically destroyed!”
“Huh? Wan, you didn’t pass out?”
“I just woke up. Everyone was making such a ruckus, it was noisy.”
“Ah, everyone, huh…”
“Yes. Is this what they call a meteor shower?”
Meanwhile, the bright trail in front of the ship grew ever brighter, now almost completely obscuring the view ahead.
“Incredible. That white wall of light is going to be the door to the other side, huh…”
Captain Love murmured as she approached right behind Eft.
“Literally a door. The LEN transcends the three axes of physical space.”
Wan said, walking up to stand just behind Love.
“But that means this space has now become an entangled twin to another phase space! What are we going to do?!”
Shior cried out, approaching the pilot seats.
“What?! That can’t be possible! Why?!”
Just as the three had gathered around the pilot seats, Eft let out a scream, and Wan and Shior were sent tumbling up towards the ceiling.
Somehow, Love remained firmly planted on the floor.
“Safe! Hehe, we did it!”
Eft laughed as Wan and Shior came crashing back down with a loud thud.
“Please have some mercy, Ms. Eft…”
“I couldn’t help it! That meteor suddenly veered off course!”
It was the other two’s fault for getting up and walking around when the ship was still unstable. Yet, the captain Love had walked up as well, her hair barely ruffled.
“How come the captain…?”
“She’s special. You shouldn’t think of her as the same as us,” Wan said, rubbing his back.
“Don’t be ridiculous. If you just keep your eyes open, you’d know what Eft’s going to do next,” Love calmly replied.
“I’m sorry, Captain, but I still can’t predict what she’s going to do,” Lite admitted.
“That’s so mean, Lite! We’ve been together for so long, you shouldn’t say that!” Eft shouted, slamming the terminal and pushing the control lever left, sending Wan and Shior flying to the right side.

Love is a beautiful woman whose striking appearance is accentuated by her long, vibrant red hair. Her resolute demeanor and reliable presence make her a captivating figure as the ship’s captain. Even in critical situations, she maintains a calm and composed attitude, demonstrating decisive judgment and strong leadership. She commands a high level of trust from the crew, who fully defer to her decisions. However, she occasionally exhibits a tendency towards unilateral decision-making, which can at times leave the crew members perplexed.