Visitors from beyond
40th Galactic Year. The Visitors.
Episode 1: Meteor Festival – 3
“Really? I think it’s pretty straightforward,” Love said casually, holding onto the pilot seat.
“No, Eft’s thought process is constantly changing. She always chooses a different method than before. That’s all we know,” Lite said seriously, tending to the 3D navigation monitor. Eft continued to maneuver the lever left and right, likely still avoiding the incoming meteors.
“Either way, we need to stabilize this soon, or the two in the back won’t last,” Lite said calmly. Love nodded in agreement.
“But there’s still so much coming! What are we going to do after this?!” Eft cried out.
Calmly, Love answered, “Dive into that white light doorway!”
“Eh?! I thought that was to just gather up all the incoming things and then BOOM!”
“Just hurry up and accelerate! Dive in! Wan and Shior are about to stop even screaming!”
“Roger that! Here we gooooo!”
And with that, the ship plunged straight into the shimmering white portal before them.

Lite is the cool-headed and composed male character who serves as the co-pilot of our spacecraft. He has a sturdy build, with silicon being the main component of his body, and a handsome appearance with golden short hair. Even in dire situations, he remains unfazed, demonstrating calm judgment and providing precise piloting instructions. However, when faced with unexpected circumstances, he can sometimes lose his composure and become irritated, perplexed by Eft’s unpredictable actions. While he is trusted by the crew, he stands in contrast to the occasionally autocratic tendencies of Captain Love. Though he trusts Eft’s piloting skills, he also voices concerns about safety, exhibiting a rational analytical ability and a strong sense of responsibility.