The Door into Summer – Robert A. Heinlein

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The Door into Summer / Robert A. Heinlein / sci-fi (Classic)

Author: Robert A. Heinlein

(Robert Anson Heinlein / haɪnlaɪn / 1907年7月7日 – 1988年5月8日)

to pontificate

A classic sci-fi time travel story. The protagonist leaps from the present of 1970 to the year 2000, always accompanied by his beloved cat, Pete. This companion constantly searches for the ‘door into summer’ by checking every door in the house, especially during winter. In essence, the cat is asking the protagonist to open all the doors to see if summer is outside.

Pete’s belief that there must be a door leading to summer even in the midst of winter offers a lesson that challenges how we live in the present day.

Check the Wikipedia.

a timeless sci-fi classic by Robert A. Heinlein.

When we were living in Colorado there was snowfall. Our cat—I’m a cat man—wanted to get out of the house so I opened a door for him but he wouldn’t leave. Just kept on crying. He’d seen snow before and I couldn’t understand it. I kept opening other doors for him and he still wouldn’t leave. Then Ginny said, “Oh, he’s looking for a door into summer.” I threw up my hands, told her not to say another word, and wrote the novel The Door into Summer in 13 days.

The Door into Summer

The Door into Summer

The Door into Summer – Robert A. Heinlein

The Door into Summer




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