Nightfall / Isaac Asimov / Sci-Fi (Classic)
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On that planet, night comes only once every 2,000 years… This is the story of the people on the planet Lagash, experiencing night for the first time, surrounded by six stars.
If the stars shone only one night in a thousand years, how could people believe in the existence of the City of God and pass on its stories to future generations?
John W. Campbell, Asimov’s mentor, said this and read a passage from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Nature” to Asimov, encouraging him to write a short story based on this motif.
This work, adorned with such anecdotes, is considered one of the pinnacles of science fiction literature.
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“Nightfall“[1] is a 1941 science fiction short story by the American writer Isaac Asimov about the coming of darkness to the people of a planet ordinarily illuminated by sunlight at all times. It was adapted into a novel with Robert Silverberg in 1990. The short story has appeared in many anthologies and six collections of Asimov stories. In 1968, the Science Fiction Writers of America voted “Nightfall” the best science fiction short story written prior to the 1965 establishment of the Nebula Awards and included it in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One, 1929–1964.
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Isaac Asimov
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