• 終りなき戦い – ジョー・ホールドマン

    終りなき戦い – ジョー・ホールドマン

    終りなき戦い / ジョー・ホールドマン / sci-fi (Classic)

    著者: ジョー・ホールドマン

    ジョー・ホールドマンJoe William Haldeman1943年6月9日 – )

    終りなき戦い (ハヤカワ文庫

    長々と語る物語の解説 1



    Check the Wikipedia.

    ヒューゴー賞・ネビュラ賞・ローカス賞 トリプル受賞作

    『終りなき戦い』(おわりなきたたかい、The Forever War)は、ジョー・ホールドマンのSF小説。作者自身のベトナム戦争への従軍体験を元に、異星人との星間戦争と兵士たちを置き去りにして変化していく社会を描いている。『宇宙の戦士』と並ぶ戦争SFの傑作として知られる。



    長々と語る物語の解説 2












    解説@Gemini AI

    終 り な き 戦 い

    ‘終りなき戦い’ 関連書籍

    終わりなき平和 (創元SF文庫 ホ 2-1) 文庫
    擬態: カムフラージュ (海外SFノヴェルズ)
    宇宙大作戦閉鎖世界チャタリア (ハヤカワ文庫 SF 687)

    終 り な き 戦 い

  • 所有せざる人々 – アーシュラ・K・ル=グウィン

    所有せざる人々 – アーシュラ・K・ル=グウィン

    所有せざる人々 / アーシュラ・K・ル=グウィン / sci-fi (Classic)

    著者: アーシュラ・K・ル=グウィン

    アーシュラ・クローバー・ル=グウィン1929年10月21日 – 2018年1月22日

    The Dispossessed

    長々と語る物語の解説 1



    Check the Wikipedia.

    ヒューゴー賞・ネビュラ賞 ローカス賞 同時受賞作

    所有せざる人々英語: The Dispossessed)』は1974年に発表されたアーシュラ・K・ル=グウィンによるユートピア小説SF小説1975年ヒューゴー賞 長編小説部門[1]ネビュラ賞 長編小説部門[2]ローカス賞 長編部門[3]ジュピター賞[4]を受賞しており、『闇の左手』と共にル=グウィンの代表作の1つに挙げられる[5][6]



    長々と語る物語の解説 2






    解説@Gemini AI

    所 有 せ ざ る 人 々

    ‘所有せざる人々’ 関連書籍

    影との戦い ゲド戦記 (岩波少年文庫) Kindle版
    こわれた腕環 ゲド戦記 (岩波少年文庫) Kindle版
    さいはての島へ ゲド戦記 (岩波少年文庫) Kindle版
    帰還 ゲド戦記 (岩波少年文庫) Kindle版
    アースシーの風 ゲド戦記 (岩波少年文庫) Kindle版

    所 有 せ ざ る 人 々

  • 宇宙のランデヴー – アーサー・C・クラーク

    宇宙のランデヴー – アーサー・C・クラーク

    宇宙のランデヴー / アーサー・C・クラーク / sci-fi (Classic)

    Author: アーサー・C・クラーク

    サー・アーサー・チャールズ・クラーク1917年12月16日 – 2008年3月19日

    宇宙のランデヴー Kindle版

    長々と語る物語の解説 1



    Check the Wikipedia.

     ヒューゴー賞・ネビュラ賞 長編部門受賞作

    宇宙のランデヴー』(うちゅうのランデヴー、原題Rendezvous with Rama)は、アーサー・C・クラークが著した長篇SF小説。1973年刊。22世紀を舞台に、太陽系に進入した異星の宇宙船ラーマとのファースト・コンタクトが描かれている。ネビュラ賞ヒューゴー賞受賞。未知の存在へのセンス・オブ・ワンダーを見事に描いた傑作として評価されている。宇宙のランデヴー


    長々と語る物語の解説 2

    遥か未来、太陽系を突如訪れた謎の巨大物体「ラーマ」。その正体は何なのか、どこから来たのか、そして人類に何をメッセージとして伝えているのか? 謎に包まれたラーマの姿は、科学者たちの好奇心を刺激し、探検隊の派遣を決定する。






    解説@Gemini AI

    宇 宙 の ラ ン デ ヴ ー

    宇 宙 の ラ ン デ ヴ ー

  • 神々自身 – アイザック・アシモフ

    神々自身 – アイザック・アシモフ

    神々自身 / アイザック・アシモフ / sci-fi (Classic)

    著者: アイザック・アシモフ

    アイザック・アシモフ(Isaac Asimov、1920年1月2日 – 1992年4月6日

    神々自身 ハヤカワSF文庫

    長々と語る物語の解説 1

    アイザック・アシモフ渾身のSF大作「神 々 自 身」:壮大なスケールと深い洞察が織りなす物語


    Check the Wikipedia.

     ヒューゴー賞・ネビュラ賞 長編部門受賞作




    長々と語る物語の解説 2







    解説@Gemini AI

    神 々 自 身

    神 々 自 身

  • Woke up before dawn …… – No essay, Easy life.

    Woke up before dawn …… – No essay, Easy life.

    Woke up before dawn – No essay, Easy life.

    Woke up before dawn ……, I sit idly by my desk, pen in hand.

    Woke up before dawn ……























    I woke up before dawn this morning.

    When I opened my eyes, I saw the tail of my cat, a brown tabby, and a pillow. The empty cans from last night, a few snacks, and scattered peanuts eloquently expressed the fact that last night’s alcohol was not very good.

    That must be it. I’m sure a friend from the countryside came to visit and we had a good time. Yeah, that’s it, I’m going to believe that. … It’s been 20 years since I cut ties with any friends. Every time we meet, we only talk about useless, trivial topics and rumors, and we never have any positive conversations. There’s always regret for the past in every word. Around the time I started turning down invitations to drinking parties because I was disgusted with those gatherings, I started having financial difficulties and had to do my best.

    The first thing I did to get back on my feet was to take a good look at my dreams again.

    It’s embarrassing to say, but dreams are an incredibly important part of life. I wrote down everything I could do, everything I had done so far, no matter how lazy it was. Habits I couldn’t get rid of. The skills I had abandoned. Things I was happy to do. Things I was unhappy to do. Things I felt differently about depending on who I did them with. I wrote down everything, without leaving anything out.

    What I like, what I don’t like. What I don’t like but am good at. What I don’t like but can do.

    I organized them by school subjects from my old school, by the roles I played when I was an actor on stage, and as I reflected, they eventually became big chunks.

    My favorite thing is to let my imagination run wild and create a world from scratch. I seem to really like writing stories.

    I took the vagueness and convenience out of that story, put in realistic side characters, and restructured it using their words. My cynical shadow self is my guide.

    The world I create as a story is truly ridiculous.

    It’s just a bunch of ordinary days stacked on top of each other, with people I’ve never talked to before being there for me, supporting each other with friendship and love.

    I look back on the past and strangely feel nostalgic for the figure of a young man who couldn’t stand on his own two feet yet. Those days with my friends who were full of useless complaints.

    That’s right, the cynical one in my head mutters. The only thing saving me is that I don’t tweet about it on SNS, but he doesn’t seem to think much of my old friends either.

    The possibilities and energy of tomorrow that fall out with the complaints If we could all work together, there would be endless possibilities. There would have been many hopes that could have come true if they hadn’t been dismissed as impossible back then. The responsibility and actions that I shift onto others. The cage that is formed by such regrets.

    I could get out any time I wanted, but my cynical rear-view mirror keeps my eyes on the wall. Looking back, there is no cage, but all I can see is a strong wall that my own assumptions have made me see.

    Somewhere in my head, I’m howling like a dog, yearning for tomorrow, longing for hope.

    I keep ignoring that voice and repeating the same painful days out of inertia. I want to break free from this way of life, but I can’t even bring myself to ask for help.

    My cowardice is disgusting. But I’m good at making excuses for it.

    There’s nothing I can do about that. Then I should just go back to being a child and cry and whine like a spoiled brat. I should just fall to the ground and be with people. I should be with people who can say they’re tired.

    I should find someone I can open up to and live my life with my true self exposed. That’s how people connect and keep connecting, so I should just go back into the connection.

    Woke up before dawn ……

  • Speaker for the Dead – Orson Scott Card

    Speaker for the Dead – Orson Scott Card

    Speaker for the Dead / Orson Scott Card / sci-fi

    Author: Orson Scott Card

    Orson Scott Card (born August 24, 1951)

    Ender’s Game

    to pontificate

    This passage dives into the complex aftermath of Ender’s Game, exploring themes of guilt, redemption, and the weight of historical decisions. Here are some key points to pontificate on:

    Ender’s Reckoning: Ender’s act of wiping out the Formics continues to haunt him. The book, “The Hive Queen,” reveals the perspective of the enemy, forcing humanity to confront the true cost of victory. Did Ender become the monster he was trained to defeat? Can a hero be responsible for genocide?

    Check the Wikipedia.

    Hugo Nebula Award Doble Crown Op.

    Speaker for the Dead is a 1986 science fiction novel by American writer Orson Scott Card, an indirect sequel to the 1985 novel Ender’s Game. The book takes place around the year 5270, some 3,000 years after the events in Ender’s Game. However because of relativistic space travel at near-light speed Ender himself is only about 35 years old.

    Keyword: religious science fiction


    Expanding the Pontificate:

    The Power of Narrative: Ender’s writings, penned as “Speaker for the Dead,” spark a religious movement. This highlights the power of storytelling to shape history and redefine heroes. How do narratives influence our understanding of the past? Can they offer redemption or condemnation?

    Protecting the Pequeninos: Humanity, scarred by the Formic war, strives to avoid repeating its mistakes with the Pequeninos. The strict regulations imposed, however, raise ethical questions. Is isolation truly protection? Does such control violate the rights of a sentient species?

    The Descolada Virus: This deadly illness throws another wrench into the equation. The loss of the xenobiologists who developed a treatment underscores the fragility of knowledge and the importance of understanding alien biology. Can science be used to heal the damage caused by past actions?

    Novinha’s Future: Left orphaned by the Descolada, Novinha stands as a symbol of vulnerability and hope. Will she bridge the gap between humans and the Pequeninos? Can the next generation learn from past mistakes and forge a more peaceful future?

    On ‘Ender’s Game‘ @Gemini AI ✍️

    Speaker for the Dead

    Books related to ‘Ender’s Game

    Ender’s Game (Ender Quintet Book)
    Xenocide (Ender Quintet Book)
    Children of the Mind (Ender Quintet Book)
    Ender in Exile (Ender Quintet)
    The Last Shadow (Ender Sextet Book)

    Speaker for the Dead

  • Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card

    Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card

    Ender’s Game / Orson Scott Card / sci-fi

    Author: Orson Scott Card

    Orson Scott Card (born August 24, 1951)

    Ender’s Game

    to pontificate

    Ender’s Game: A Playground for Morality and War

    Ender’s Game, a seminal work of military science fiction, throws a child soldier, Ender Wiggin, into a brutal training program designed to create the ultimate military commander. But this isn’t just a story about spaceships and laser battles. It’s a crucible for examining the ethics of war, the nature of childhood, and the burden of genius.

    Check the Wikipedia.

    Hugo Nebula Award Doble Crown Op.

    Ender’s Game is a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set at an unspecified date in Earth’s future, the novel presents an imperiled humankind after two conflicts with an insectoid alien species they dub “the buggers“. In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, Earth’s international military force recruits young children, including the novel’s protagonist, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, to be trained as elite officers. The children learn military strategy and leadership by playing increasingly difficult war games, including some in zero gravity, where Ender’s tactical genius is revealed.

    Keyword: military science fiction


    Expanding the Pontificate:

    The Morality of War Games: Ender excels at the war games, his strategic brilliance leading to devastating victories. Yet, are these victories truly triumphs? The lines between simulation and reality blur. Are we celebrating a hero or training a monster? Card forces us to question the ethics of turning children into weapons, even for a supposedly noble cause.

    The Fragility of Innocence: Ender’s exceptional skills isolate him from his peers. Thrust into a world of violence and manipulation, his innocence is gradually eroded. The question arises: Can a child truly understand the weight of war, the lives lost in the name of strategy?

    The Burden of Genius: Ender is burdened by his intellect. He craves love and acceptance, yet his brilliance alienates him. Is genius a curse? Does it rob us of a normal life and force us to walk a lonely path? Card explores the psychological toll of exceptional ability.

    The Cycle of Violence: The Buggers, our insectoid enemies, are portrayed as both ruthless and victimized. Has humanity demonized an alien species to justify its own aggression? Does this cycle of violence have any hope of ending?

    Beyond the Battlefield: Ender’s Game transcends the genre of military science fiction. It’s a commentary on the human condition, our capacity for violence, and the search for redemption. It’s a story that stays with you long after the last page is turned, prompting reflection on war, morality, and the complexities of human nature.

    On ‘Ender’s Game‘ @Gemini AI ✍️

    Ender’s Game

    Books related to ‘Ender’s Game

    Speaker for the Dead (Ender Quintet Book)
    Xenocide (Ender Quintet Book)
    Children of the Mind (Ender Quintet Book)
    Ender in Exile (Ender Quintet)
    The Last Shadow (Ender Sextet Book)

    Ender’s Game

  • Neuromancer – William Gibson

    Neuromancer – William Gibson

    Neuromancer / William Gibson / sci-fi (Classic)

    Author: William Gibson

    William Ford Gibson (born March 17, 1948)

    Neuromancer (Sprawl Trilogy)

    to pontificate

    Neuromancer, the seminal 1984 cyberpunk masterpiece by the esteemed American-Canadian luminary William Gibson, stands as an unparalleled triumph in the annals of speculative fiction. This singular work, the author’s auspicious debut, not only ushered in the dawn of the cyberpunk genre, but also ascended to the pantheon of science fiction’s most hallowed accolades.

    Check the Wikipedia.

    Hugo Nebula Award Doble Crown Op. and Philip K. Dick Award.

    Neuromancer is a 1984 science fiction novel by American-Canadian writer William Gibson. Considered one of the earliest and best-known works in the cyberpunk genre, it is the only novel to win the Nebula Award, the Philip K. Dick Award, and the Hugo Award.[1] It was Gibson’s debut novel and the beginning of the Sprawl trilogy. Set in the future, the novel follows Henry Case, a washed-up hacker hired for one last job, which brings him in contact with a powerful artificial intelligence.

    Keyword: cyberpunk,


    Expanding the Pontificate:

    Neuromancer is the sole novel to have won the triumvirate of science fiction’s highest honors – the prestigious Nebula Award, the venerable Philip K. Dick Award, and the revered Hugo Award. This unprecedented trifecta of acclaim is a testament to Gibson’s singular vision and mastery of the craft, elevating Neuromancer to a rarefied realm where only the most extraordinary works of imaginative literature may reside.

    Set against the dystopian backdrop of the Sprawl, this seminal work follows the journey of the fallen hacker Henry Case, whose redemptive path leads him to the threshold of a sentient artificial intelligence of unparalleled power. Through this narrative crucible, Gibson weaves a tapestry of technological wonder and societal unrest, seamlessly blending the gritty, countercultural ethos of his earlier short fiction with a profound exploration of the human condition in the digital age.

    Neuromancer stands as a towering achievement, a work that has irrevocably shaped the landscape of science fiction and continues to captivate and challenge readers across generations. Its enduring legacy is a testament to the visionary brilliance of William Gibson, a luminary whose creative genius has left an indelible mark upon the literary firmament.

    On ‘Neuromancer‘ @Reeton AI ✍️


    Books related to ‘Neuromancer

    Count Zero (Sprawl Trilogy)
    Mona Lisa Overdrive (Sprawl Trilogy)


  • As the day fades – No essay, Easy life.

    As the day fades – No essay, Easy life.

    As the day fades – No essay, Easy life.

    As the day fades, I sit idly by my desk, pen in hand.

    As the day fades



















    I saw the scenery yesterday. It was the mountain range at dawn and the open morning landscape. Then, the clamor until around noon. After that, the busy main street in the evening.. On the main street, a herd of cars, like wild buffaloes, moved along in a line. They stopped at every red light, a procession.

    The mass movement of people in the morning is no different from wild animals moving to a watering hole. They must each have various intentions. There were not many smiling faces. But, many people were facing their smartphones. They seemed distracted..

    From the train window, I could see the mountains stretching out to the east. I commute to the office from afar. The morning glow seeps into my eyes. I’m captivated by the pretty scenery. Then, I breathe out.

    As my station nears, more people board. Seeing the crowds on the other track, I feel relieved it’s not my stop. Yet, a sudden anger fills me.

    I try to fathom the mindset of those who slack off by switching to remote work, but it’s ultimately unfathomable.

    Perhaps it’s because most people view work as a means of living. They don’t seek a work environment they can enjoy, but instead want to obtain high-paying jobs that are difficult and painful. Once they’ve settled in, it’s just inertia. How can they devise ways to slack off without the boss finding out?

    I can understand this mindset to some extent, but a thought still crosses my mind.

    Why are workplaces that seem fun and lively decreasing?

    Why do the smiling faces of people at work feel increasingly fake these days?

    Why are job postings involving complicity in crimes made public?

    Why have people who construct their lives with a pessimistic mindset increased?

    Before I knew it, I had arrived at the workplace. There are many things to do today. Decisions to make, questions to ask, things to say, tasks to start.

    They are all difficult, yet enjoyable. Perhaps that’s what a suitable job is like. Things that can be done casually and easily will eventually become dull.That’s when strange thoughts might start creeping in. They’re about how to slack off, how to avoid a drop in evaluation, and how to find ways to take it easy while still getting paid.

    A bit of learning is needed. A bit of practice is too. But, it doesn’t have to take all one’s time. The holidays can be spent doing what one enjoys.

    I wish there were more of these kinds of jobs. I hope that the people in positions to consider how to create such jobs will start to truly feel the reality of the workplace and work accordingly.

    That was the kind of mood I was in when I reported to work yesterday. The lunchtime was a busy time shared with other companies, so the dining spots were crowded as usual. I finished my meal early, spent a little time on something I wanted to do, enjoyed my learning time, and headed home in the evening.

    On the way to the station, it seemed like people were heading back. Many company cars shared the road with delivery trucks, landscaping vans, and a few taxis and luxury cars. The road felt crowded, almost like a parking lot.

    I then boarded the train home, feeling relieved again that I would be working remotely from home tomorrow. No matter what anyone says, being able to work from home is better. I wonder who really benefits from the ongoing push for hybrid work.

    As the day fades

  • Ψυχή :: 黎明 — Episode 2

    Visitors from beyond

    40th Galactic Year. The Visitors.


    Original Novel(Japanese)

    Episode 2: The Third Planet – 1

    The ship floating in the now eerily silent expanse of space is called O-UNI.X.

    Viewed from a distance, its overall shape resembles two intersecting elliptical rings, with a glowing cross floating within the elongated ellipsoid form. The outer ring-like elliptical sections are hollow inside, serving as interconnected passageways. At the tips of these ellipses are the ship’s engines and auxiliary equipment, while the top layer of the central floating cross houses the cockpit where One and the others are situated.

    “So that sixth planet is what’s causing the asteroid belt around the fifth one to get pulled and then flung back towards the star as it passes by, right?” Eft, the pilot, explained the suspected cause of the recent incident to One.

    Beside her, Lite, who had just taken over piloting duties, listened to Eft’s intuitive explanation with a wry smile.

    “Lite, can we check on the parallel world now?” Shior from the rear seats asked, tapping on her terminal. Lite turned towards her, giving her a stern look.

    “The data from the probe we just sent over should be enough for now. I’d rather not try to directly contact that side – apparently, they’re still in the middle of their ‘festival’ over there,” Lite replied, shrugging.

    “I see. But we will be going to the parallel world later, won’t we?” Shior pressed.

    “Who knows? We’ll have to check with the captain when she returns,” Lite answered evasively.

    “Is there a chance we won’t go?” Shior asked, her inexperience with the team’s fringe exploration operations showing.

    Lite considered whether to directly address Shior’s question, as that could potentially stir up trouble within the team later on. But ultimately, he decided to rope in One, who was still listening to Eft’s explanation next to him.

    “What do you think, One?”

    One, known for prioritizing harmony above all else, was the perfect person to diffuse the situation. His agreeable nature made him easy to involve when tensions threatened to rise within the crew.


    Pages: 1 2 3

  • Ψυχή :: 黎明 — Episode 1

    Ψυχή :: 黎明 — Episode 1

    Visitors from beyond

    40th Galactic Year. The Visitors.


    Original Novel(Japanese)

    Episode 1: Meteor Festival – 1

    Beep, beep, the alarms blared deafeningly. The monitors around them refused to show the outside world. The only sounds were the persistent alarm and the shouts of the two pilots.

    “Shut up, I get it! Just be a little quieter!”

    A series of quick taps followed, the sound of the operations manager terminal receiving instructions. The voice belonged to Eft, the veteran main pilot of this spacecraft, now on her tenth voyage.

    “Eft, there are three more coming from the left side. After that, eight ahead, and then five more.”

    “What? That’s too many! Why so many?!”

    “The first of the three is coming now!”

    “Ugh, this…”

    In the dimly lit cockpit, two figures moved agitatedly. The co-pilot Lite’s tone was calm, but his anger was palpable. This unexpected situation had him the most frustrated.

    “Eft! You’re too slow! The next one is coming!”

    “Shut up! It’s your slow instructions that’s the problem!”

    As Eft and Lite exchanged words, the intense G-forces rocked the ship, threatening to crush the two crew members sitting in the back.

    Eft rapidly tapped the terminal, her body swaying side to side with the ship’s movements. Even with the stabilizers functioning, the ship’s complex maneuvers and acceleration-deceleration were beyond its control.

    “Love! Captain! It’s getting really rough!”

    Eft’s desperate cry echoed through the ship as it suddenly accelerated upwards. The crushing G-force pressed down on the floor of the cockpit. A small, pained sound escaped the two crew members in the back.

    “Lite! How many more are there?”

    “According to the readings, there are still 4,000 to 5,000 left.”

    “That’s impossible! Impossible!”

    At that moment, someone stood up amidst the intense G-forces.

    “Lite, Eft! We’re going to have to ignore the manual and power through this! Get Mother’s permission to initiate phase space deployment! As soon as it’s ready, deploy it 500 meters in front of the ship!”

    It was Love, the ship’s captain – a woman with fiery red hair.

    “Wait, Captain! If we do that while the ship is moving like this, the time waves from the engines and the spatial distortion from the phase space deployment…”

    Pages: 1 2 3

  • Startide Rising – David Brin

    Startide Rising – David Brin

    Startide Rising / David Brin / sci-fi (Classic)

    Author: David Brin

    Glen David Brin (October 6, 1950)


    to pontificate

    Do you know about the book called “Startide Rising”? It was written by an American author named David Brin.

    In this book, there is a really amazing spaceship called the “Earthship Streaker”. The crew of this spaceship goes on all kinds of exciting adventures!

    Check the Wikipedia.

    Hugo Nebula Locus Award Triple Crown Op.

    Startide Rising is a 1983 science fiction novel by American writer David Brin, the second book of six set in his Uplift Universe (preceded by Sundiver and followed by The Uplift War). It earned both Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel in 1984. It was revised by the author in 1993 to correct errors and omissions from the original edition.

    An early work by David Brin, it was extremely well reviewed when it was published, has remained popular, and served as the seed for three more novels which revolved around the crew of the Earthship Streaker (the Uplift Storm Trilogy).

    Keyword: Adventures,


    Expanding the Pontificate:

    You know what’s really special about this book? It won two very famous awards called the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award! This means that a lot of people thought it was an amazing story.

    At first, the book was called “The Tides of Kithrup”, but the author later changed the name to “Startide Rising”. Some early copies of the book still have the old title, and those have become very special collector’s items.

    This book is one of David Brin’s most popular works. He even wrote some more books that continue the adventures of the Earthship Streaker crew!

    Doesn’t a story about an amazing spaceship and winning big awards sound really interesting? I think kids would really enjoy reading this book. Why don’t you give it a try?

    On ‘Startide Rising’

    @Reeton AI ✍️

    Startide Rising

    Startide Rising